Sports Injuries and Chiropractic Care

Colorado is an active place year round, but with the summer coming, that means more and more people out and about. Whether it’s biking or hiking, playing in your softball league, or just playing catch with your kids in the backyard – injuries happen. Chiropractic care can help prevent those injuries before they happen, or provide relief after the fact.

One of the biggest ways your chiropractor can keep your lifestyle active is by making sure injuries don’t even happen. Preventative care is crucial in keeping injuries at bay. That goes for people that are out climbing mountains every weekend or those just getting regular exercise strolling around the walking paths.

A spinal adjustment from a chiropractor can help increase your range of motion and boost your flexibility, which decreases the chances of injury when playing sports or engaging in other physical activities. That increased flexibility can also help diminish the minor aches and pains that result from exercise, meaning you’ll have more energy to keep doing the things you enjoy.

Of course, there is no magic key to remaining injury-free, and there are times when setbacks happen. When those injuries occur, chiropractors can also provide some relief. Pushing yourself to the limits doesn’t have to take you out of commission, as regular adjustments to make sure your spine is properly aligned can help a number of ways. From relieving muscle soreness to helping ligaments and joints, chiropractic care can relieve the pain of injuries and aid in healing – so that you can get right back out there into your active lifestyle.

We all want to remain active, and powering through injuries – no matter how minor – is a recipe for disaster. Untreated injuries can cause a domino effect in your body. Compensating for one injury can trigger other injuries to happen. Taking the time to recover is important, and you want your body performing at its peak. A chiropractic adjustment can provide relief for that untreated injury, and get you on the path to a quicker recovery. That means more time doing the things you want to do, and feeling your best when you’re doing them.

Along with the benefits of helping relieve some of the aches and pains of exercise, chiropractic care offers a medication-free solution for pain relief. Prescription pain medications can often have adverse side effects, and some pain management medications have addictive properties, as well. The chiropractor’s holistic approach can help reduce the use of prescription medications. Manipulating the spine through a chiropractic adjustment triggers the release of endorphins – which is your body’s natural mechanism to relieve pain. Those endorphins inform your brain that you’re feeling good and healthy, and might reduce the need for medications.

Chiropractic care isn’t just about helping sore necks and backaches. It’s about pain relief for the entire body. Because of the spine’s importance to the nervous system, proper spinal alignment impacts the entire body. Chiropractic care ensures that all of your nervous system’s lines of communication not only remain open, but that the messages aren’t getting impeded along the way. In athletes or other active people, that proper communication from the nervous system can mean the difference between taking you out of commission or keeping you active.

For more information on how chiropractic care helps you remain active all year, contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan