Back to School Tips

The hot temperatures might not have people thinking about the fall, but the first day of school is coming up sooner than we think. Being prepared to get children ready for school can set them up for success, and that means more than just getting the right school supplies. Here are a few tips to help make sure your child is set up for success from a spinal standpoint this school year.

Pay Attention to Posture

When kids have spent the last few months running around outside, riding bicycles and playing sports, getting back to school and sitting in a desk isn’t high on the list of fun things to do. Kids slouch when they are bored, and slouching at their desk at school is very common. That slouch can put a lot of stress and strain on your spine, since it isn’t a natural position.

The purse strings for almost every school district are tight, meaning most schools aren’t going to splurge for ergonomic chairs and desks. Sitting for long periods of time and maintain correct posture is a tall order for any of us, but reminding our children of it can help. They might not sit correctly all day, but being aware of it can lead to more consistent posture – and that’s going to lower that tension in the shoulders, neck and back.

Find the Right Backpack

The right school supplies certainly help, and one of those that is paramount to ensuring a pain-free school year is the backpack. This should be more than just selecting the design your child prefers. Selecting the right backpack for your child can go a long way in alleviating back pain – especially if the child is bringing home a heavy load of books and homework. A backpack that isn’t sturdy enough or doesn’t fit properly can cause serious issues with the spine.

A correctly fitting backpack is one that has two straps, and it should be worn close to the body, fitting snugly. It’s also important to make sure the child is limiting how much they carry in their backpack. A lot of times, an enormous load of books or papers or both won’t necessarily have to be taken home all at once. Any time those heavy loads can be split up or divided between another bag, it’s going to take stress off the spine, making their backpack less of a burden.

Get Some Sleep

Getting kids to go to bed on time is an eternal struggle between parent and child. This is particularly important during the school year, as not enough sleep can cause irritability and lack of focus when they’re at school. That lethargy can lead to missteps in the other places we spoke about – slouching in particular. Staying on a sharp sleep schedule – with set bedtimes to allow for eight hours or more per night – can set the child up for success.

It’s important to get enough sleep all of the time, but the jam-packed schedules of the school day are hectic and demanding. That makes proper sleep even more important. Between the rigors of classes and extracurricular activities, getting enough rest plays a huge role in how well children perform at everything going on in their lives.

For more information on how proper spinal health can help your child as they prepare to get back to school, reach out to Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan