Can Chiropractors Help With Digestive Health?

Chiropractic care deals with the nervous system, which means it can help with the communication

between all parts of your body. Many people think of chiropractors simply helping with the aches and

pains in your joints, but that isn’t the only place they can help.

Spinal adjustments can help improve the communication for all of the systems in your body, and your

digestive system is no different. Making sure the nervous system is getting all of the right messages can

drastically improve digestive health – in patents of any age.

How Does Your Nervous System impact Gut Health?

Digestive problems can be inflammatory by nature, they can block the body’s ability to properly digest

food – causing issues like acid reflux and constipation. Because your nervous system runs essentially

every part of your body, there is a number of nerves that send messages between your brain and

gastrointestinal system. These play a crucial role in the digestive process, helping the body do everything

from absorb the nutrients from the food you eat, to the removal of waste. A misaligned spine can

interfere with these paths of communication.

If your vertebrae aren’t properly aligned, or there is something else impeding the pathway, it can cause

the wrong messages to be sent. This can result in digestive woes like diarrhea, constipation, cramping or

heartburn. Your spine can get misaligned just through performing normal, everyday tasks. The body is

designed to heal itself, but if part of your body can’t get the message, other issues can arise. Making

sure the spine is properly aligned can ensure the messages are being sent loud and clear, helping to

rectify some of these situations.

Chiropractic Can Help With All Ages

Not only can proper spinal alignment help adults deal with digestive trouble, but it can also help kids.

Even infants have tummy trouble. This can be caused simply by how they were positioned in the womb,

or how they were handled in the birthing process, or because of something their busy little bodies did as

they were exploring their new world. Colic is a common issue that has been known to be helped through

proper spinal alignment, which helps reduces the symptoms and the long bouts of crying.

But chiropractic care can help with older kids, too. Toddlers with issues with constipation can often be

helped, as with older kids that have issues with bedwetting. These conditions could potentially be linked

to spinal misalignment, and getting that straightened out could improve those digestive functions. Fixing

these digestive issues through spinal alignment can also help improve sleep habits and behavioral issues

associated with those problems.

People of all ages have digestive issues, and having stomach trouble generally isn’t fun for anybody. For

more information on how chiropractic care might be able to help with your digestive health – or the

health of a loved one – reach out to Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan