Does Chiropractic Help With Concentration and Focus?

Everybody feels tired and loses focus from time to time, but it’s not normal for those feelings to

permeate for extended periods of time. Your body might be sending you messages that something isn’t

right, and that’s where a chiropractor might be able to help. If there is an interruption in our nervous

system, it can cause us to lose our ability to focus. Chiropractic care can help uncover if there’s an issue

blocking your concentration, and correcting that can return that focus and improve other systems, as


Dealing with Pain

One of the quickest ways to lose focus or concentration is when you’re coping with pain. This can come

in a multitude of ways, from aches in joints, chronic pain in your back or neck, or even headaches. Even

the smallest pain can interrupt your concentration, and it can definitely zap your energy. Chiropractors

work with the spine and the central nervous system, and keeping those things aligned can alleviate or

eliminate all of those types of pain.

One of the main goals of chiropractic care is achieving that proper alignment to allow your body to

communicate properly. Dealing with chronic or occasional pain is a big part of this, since this is one of

the main contributing factors to maintaining that daily focus and concentration. Even if it’s a pain you

feel like you can “deal with,” it might be impacting more than you think.

Keeping Energy Levels Up

When your spine is out of alignment, it puts pressure on other parts of your body. The extra effort that

is exerted causes muscle stress that can really tap into your energy reserves. This can lead to fatigue,

and prevent the regular flow of nutrients to your muscles. This can cause more than just fatigue, but

may also be severe enough to cause pain – draining even more of that precious energy. That can also

compound to affect your sleep, piling on even more fatigue.

Keeping your spine properly aligned helps eliminate some of these issues that create fatigue, which can

affect your concentration. Even if you can’t feel where the alignment is off, it can change your level of

focus because the stress is a taxing distraction to your brain. By getting the spine aligned, it can help

strengthen your system to eliminate that fatigue, discomfort, and distraction that is causing you to lose


Be Mindful of Your Posture

Our lives are busy and hectic, and there are some things you can do after you’re properly aligned to

keep that energy and concentration up. One of the most important things is to be mindful of your

posture. If you spend a lot of your day sitting, poor posture is an easy habit to fall into. Keeping your

posture in check has been proven to improve circulation and reduce that discomfort along with

increasing your concentration and energy level.

Everything going on in your body is connected, and your spine is critical to achieving the best function.

The spinal column manages more than just your back, so keeping proper alignment can help keep

everything working correctly. For more information on how chiropractic care can help you maintain

better focus and concentration, reach out to Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan