Getting the Most From Summer Activities

The summer months are just around the corner, and that generally means more activity for people –

especially those that live in Colorado. But with all of that outdoor fun comes aches and pains, especially

if you haven’t been participating in those strenuous activities for a while. Winters in Colorado like to

tease us, popping back for a few inches of snow just when we thought the worst was over. That can

cause even more breaks in your routine, which can lead to more injuries.

Once the nice weather hits, nobody wants to spend an extended time out of commission because of an

injury – especially if that injury was preventable. Chiropractic care is preventative care, and making sure

your spine is properly aligned can help alleviate some of those problems.

Don’t Jump Into Anything

If you’re going from sitting on your couch to hopping into a half marathon, you’re probably setting

yourself up for injury. You might not realize it, but going from inactivity – or mild activity – straight into a

strenuous event can do more harm than good. Your chiropractor can make sure that your spine is

properly aligned to prevent injury, but that alignment can also help with your recovery. A misaligned

spine could be restricting your movement, but it may not feel out of alignment right away.

Getting an adjustment can make sure you’re ready for everything you want to do, and the chiropractor

can help offer some guidelines for ramping up that activity to make sure you get the most out of your

summer. Along with alternative exercises to tips with your diet, the spinal adjustment is just a piece of

the puzzle. Taking a forward approach will set you up for success, and make sure you don’t miss out on

anything because of an injury that could have been prevented.

Preventative vs. Reactive

No matter what your summer activities are, nobody wants to push through pain and discomfort while

doing something that is supposed to be enjoyable. Whether you’re blasting down mountain bike trails,

hiking up a 14er, walking your dog, or planting new flowers in your garden – you don’t want to be held

back because something doesn’t feel right. Chiropractic adjustments are a form of preventative care

that can help you avoid injury – and potentially long rehabilitation times from those injuries.

Reactive care deals with these problems after the fact – such as getting a cast for your broken arm or

going to your chiropractor only when your back hurts. By getting in before the problem, chiropractors

can treat misalignments in your spine that could lead to more serious injury. A properly aligned spine

can prevent those injuries from becoming worse, or from happening at all.

Residents of Colorado are active, and want to stay that way. By taking this proactive approach, it can set

your summer up for all of those activities you enjoy doing. Staying away from injuries can be a proactive

thing. For more information on how chiropractic care can help you stay active, reach out to Dr. Morgan

Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan