Managing Sweets During Halloween

Halloween is here! That means costumes and fun for all of the kids in the neighborhood, who will be out on the prowl for candy. All of that excitement that comes along with getting a bucketful of candy can come with a price tag, because sugar can cause problems for more than just your teeth.

One of the nervous systems biggest enemies is sugar, since nutrition is such a vital part of keeping your nervous system working at an optimal level. Of course it’s normal to indulge your sweet tooth, but keeping things in check during this time of year is important – especially with the temptation of all of that candy.

How Does Sugar Affect the Nervous System?

Sugar tastes good. That’s why candy is so enticing, and that’s what makes it so hard for many of us to stay away from. Ingesting sweets sends a message to your brain to feel pleasure, and that’s from the release of a hormone called dopamine. Those good feelings can be addictive, because we all want more of that feeling. And the more we indulge, the more we want.

That’s where the “sugar crash” comes from. When that crash hits, feelings of fatigue can take over. Sugar levels decline quickly in your system, and that dip in your blood sugar level and cause feelings of stress and anxiety. The more sugar you take, the more intense this crash is – which can lead to people indulging in a diet high in sugar. If there is too much sugar in your diet, it can contribute to depression and anxiety.

Chiropractic Can Help

When it comes to your body, the nervous system runs the ship. It’s the communication center that sends messages to your brain for everything that’s going on inside of you. If those lines of communication get crossed or blocked, it can prevent your body’s other systems from operating properly. One of the main ways that these systems can get out of whack is through improper nutrition.

Your chiropractor can focus on proper spinal alignment to get an indication as to how your diet is affecting your nervous system. Keeping these lines of communication open, a chiropractic adjustment can help regulate some of the effects of things like sugar. By keeping that system working optimally to fend off some of those nasty side effects of an unhealthy diet – and we’re entering a time of year where those unhealthy temptations will be coming fast and furious.

You Can Still Have Your Cake and Eat It, Too

Don’t worry, your kids can still eat that Halloween candy (and you can still sneak a few treats from them here and there, too). It’s just a matter of moderation. Those good feelings from dopamine can get addictive, so it’s important to indulge in the candy eating with some form of moderation. It’s important to give those growing bodies the best chance for success, so set up some rules for how much candy they can eat, and when.

Trick-or-treating is fun for the whole family, and is one of the holidays kids look most forward to. Kids will want to eat their entire haul of candy in one shot, but making sure that sugar intake is moderated will help keep them healthier in the long run. For more information on how a pediatric chiropractor can help with nervous system health, contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan