Preventing Sports Injuries Through Chiropractic

The school year is back underway for most students, and that means extracurricular activities are in full swing as well. Numerous kids participate in sports – either at their local schools or with outside clubs – and this is one of the most active times of year for those activities.

As resilient as kids are, they aren’t immune to injury when competing in sports. Getting sidelined because of an injury is no fun for everybody, and having to stop an activity because of a physical issue can have effects on their mental well-being, as well. It’s important for athletes to give themselves the best chance for success. Just like they prepare for practice to give them the best chance to win, athletes can also use chiropractic care to give them the best chance to remain injury free.

Chiropractic and Injury Prevention

Chiropractic care focuses primarily on the spine, but that can reach to every part of the body. The nervous system is how your body communicates, and the spine is the main thoroughfare where all of that information passes. Even a small misalignment can cause issues, if it’s in the wrong spot, since it can create tension in a particular part of the body. Your body needs that pressure to be evenly distribute to perform at your best. A misalignment affect how your brain communicates with your arms and legs and other vital muscles.

If you don’t know that your spine is misaligned – or simply try to just power through it – the chance for injury can increase. Athletes are always looking to get better, and a big way they do that is through lots and lots of practice. Being set up for the daily rigors of practice will offer the best chance of success, because proper spinal alignment can also boost immune system health and aid in recovery.

More Than Just Adjustments

While your chiropractor can help get your spine aligned and your nervous system communicating properly, their work doesn’t stop after the adjustment. There are numerous ways they can help – including dietary suggestions and offering stretching exercises to maintain strength and flexibility. It’s this combination of care that can really set an athlete up for success.

Staying healthy is imperative for athletes, especially those that are fighting for a spot in the starting lineup, those battling to make sure they stay there, or simply those that just want to get better. Injuries can sideline all of those hopes in a hurry, which is why it is vital to take a proactive approach to injury prevention.

Working with a chiropractor on this overall view can help create a plan that can boost overall performance. That doesn’t only mean injury prevention, but it can also promote faster healing and give you more energy. For more information on how chiropractic care could help with injury prevention, contact Dr. Morgan Sheridan at Foundation Chiropractic today.

Morgan Sheridan